Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Review of Sugar Town Queens by Malla Nunn



Sugar Town Queens by Malla Nunn

          Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this book by Penguin Teen via BookishFirst in exchange for an honest review.

From the Publisher:
When Amandla wakes up on her fifteenth birthday she knows it's going to be one of her mother's difficult days. Her mother has had another vision. If Amandla wears a blue sheet her mother has loosely stitched as a dress and styles her normally braided hair in a halo around her head, Amandla's father will come home. Amandla's mother, Annalisa, always speaks of her father as if he was the prince of a fairytale, but in truth he's been gone since before Amandla was born and even Annalisa's memory of him is hazy. In fact many of Annalisa's memories from before Amandla was born are hazy. It's just one of the many reasons people in Sugar Town give Annalisa and Amandla strange looks--that and the fact her mother is white and Amandla is brown.

My Thoughts:
I found this book very hard to put down.  It was powerful, sad, and empowering.  I really did love this book, though I felt like it needed perhaps another 100 pages because the last quarter of the book seemed very rushed.  This is one of those books that is very hard to describe without going into spoilers.  With that said, I think that this is an amazing book and highly recommend it!

        Rating: 4/5 stars