This is one of the quilt tops that I finished last weekend, I did both out of the same pattern and each only took a couple of hours to complete. It was fun doing something that was sort of an instant gratification project because lately I have been getting myself into projects that take a lot of time.
Time is not something that I have a lot of right now because I just started a second job last week to help pay for school and I have gone from working a day and a half to five days a week. So it is a big change for me, I'm not used to not having time to do things like spend the afternoon at the library like I used to. Even though I don't have as much time any more, I am enjoying my new job much more than my old one because the people are much more pleasant to work with and it is not nearly as stressful for me. I am seriously considering quiting my old job and just taking on more hours at the new job to cover the hours that I would lose by quiting. I also am making more per hour at the new job. I have a big decision that I have to make.